Countless memories for my children

Laurie Habkirk

Countless memories for my children

Laurie Habkirk

Laurie is a retired radiation therapist, a mom of 3 children—one of whom is an adult—and a cancer survivor.

When she was diagnosed, her cancer was at a terminal stage. Her thoughts during that time reflect the reality of many parents going through similar challenges today:

"My first thought when I heard my diagnosis was ‘Great, my kids are going to grow up without a mother’. You just worry constantly about who's going to teach them the things only a mother can teach, who they're going to ask the things that you only ask a mother, and whether they’ll think I didn’t love them because I was never around with all the treatments.

I was worried that without the benefit of hearing from me throughout their lives, they might not go in the right direction.”

Luckily, 3 years into her diagnosis, she underwent a successful bone marrow transplant. Although Laurie has been in remission since then, her health has never been the same. Having faced her own mortality so closely, she has since been leaving little notes and videos for her children. Discovering DieWell was an exciting moment for her.

"I’m very excited to explore all these topics. They’re inspiring me to keep leaving memories. I want my kids to remember the funny little things they said and share with them how I saw them as individuals from a very young age.”

Her children have, and will continue to have, countless memories to cherish—all because Laurie chose to take action and dedicate herself to creating them.

Laurie Habkirk

DieWell is changing its name to Amori

DieWell is changing its name to Amori

DieWell is changing its name to Amori